Complete Guide to increase your chances of winning PVP match - Part 6
In this part, A8 will show you one of the most powerful climbing rank squads, Plant - Rep - Rep.

You can review the previous two parts before beginning Part 6 of the Axie Infinity PvP Tutorials to improve your chances of winning:
Part 1 can be found here.
Part 2 can be found here.
Part 3 can be found here.
Part 4 can be found here.
Part 5 can be found here.
In this part, A8 will show you one of the most powerful climbing rank squads, Plant - Rep - Rep.
1/ Cost:
- Plant: 270$
- Rep: 915$
- Rep: 250$
2/ Axie’s card:
3/ All Metas of this team:
There are many types of Poisonous team, in this blog we’ll discuss about poisonous team which has biggest damage I’veever known, you can get rank 2500 with this team. There are 2 versions of this team:
a. Plant - Rep - Rep:
- Plant (place at 1st position) : Pumpkin - Vegetal bite - Leafbug - Yam
- Rep (middle): Furball - Toothless Bite - Cerates - Grass snake (0 energy)
- Rep (last position) : Furball - Tiny Turtle - Wings - Grass snake (0 energy)
b. Plant - Dusk - Dusk: same skill above, but replace Rep to Dusk for having better stats and efficiency (price higher about 15-25%)
4/ Preview about skills of Axies :
1. Plant: it can steal energy to disturb the enemy and gain energy for your team. Beside that, the strongest point of Plant is the "YAM" skill, which poisons enemy every time you attack or be attacked
2. Rep: 1 skill can be used for killing enemy’s backline, 1 poisonous skill (0 energy), FurBall and cerates là 2 skill dame chính của axie này.
3. Rep: 1 skill can be used for killing enemy’s backline, 1 poisonous skill (0 energy), Furball, tiny turtle stun enemy.
- At a glance, the skill set is not too special, even my first impression of this kind of team is that it is a bit lacking in damage with 6/12 skills of the team, so why do I say this is the team can cause highest damage in the game!!? Let's dive in to find out!
5/ Tactics and combo skills:
- In round 1- 3: Try to use Plant’'s Yam skill to get as much poison on your opponent as possible. With 2 Rep, just have combo skill backdoor + grass snake (poison buff) + 1 dame skill like furball/tiny turtle to attack the enemy's backline. This stage is an extremely important premise that determines your victory.
- In the middle and late game: After you have accumulated enough energy, cards and stacked poison on the opponent's team, then you can see how big the damage can be in this stage!!!
- I take a specific example: the opposing team get 14 poison points (loses 28hp for each movement of both teams), with only 1 furball skill (throws the ball 3 times) with a base damage of 40dmg, the total Damage dealt to opponent is 204 (furball 120hp + 84hp from poison hit 3 times). Yes, 204 damage with that 1 card, the same as a critical hit!!
- That's why I claim this team can cause great damage. As you all know, the Axie’'s biggest dame skill is The last on (140dame - with a detrimental effect that reduces your own damage for the next round) - or some other 130dame skills like headshot, piranha... but with Plant - Rep - Rep, the amount of damage dealt to the opponent is much higher, a really terrible number and increases gradually over time of the match.
6/ Notes:
- It’s an annoying team with a large amount of damage and very high HP because this team includes a Tree & Rep / Dusk.
- Teams with 2 skills backdoor, 1 stun, 2 gain energy and grass snake (0 energy) help the team have a lot of energy for combos to harrass the opponent's backline.
- Based on my experience, Plant - Rep - Rep team has very few counters if the person holding the team is really skillful. In addition, I see the team will be at a disadvantage when facing a team with a bird with soothing song skill - 2 trees with hotputt skill, biden or nimo fish with 2 healing skills.
Those are the basic playing tactics that you need to know before using this team. Hope you guys can find good teams to play!
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