Complete Guide to increase your chances of winning PVP match (Part 2)

Looking for a perfect Axie team? Welcome to our Complete Guide to increase your chances of winning PVP match (Part 2). In this part, we will share with you one of the best Axie Team Combinantion. That is Fish - Fish - Plant.
Before diving into the main topic, you must understand the basic elements in a PVP match. Please refer here.
1/ Cost: Surely this is the first factor that you are most interested in. The total cost is ~800$ on marketplace (data on October 5)
Plant: 289$
Fish: 231$
Fish: 271$
2/ The name of each Axie’s card:
3/ Team:
- Plant will be placed in front of 2 fishes.
- Plant must have vegetal bite skill (steals 1 energy from the opponent)
- The fish, which has Tail Slap, should be in the middle for not lacking energy in combat
- The last fish is a killer fish. This fish should have shrimp tail (Chitin jump). There is also another option is KOI tail + PERCH back or KOI tail + 1 bonus armor skill (sponge or teal shell)
4/ How to play:
- Fish-Fish-Plant team is relatively stable in terms of damage and physical strength, very advantageous when facing Bird-Beast-Plant, Bird-Fish-Plant, Bird-Fish-Fish, but it is disadvantageous when meeting a team with 2 plant or Rep-Dusk which cause stun & minus speed.
- You should defeat the opponent's main tank or dame as quickly as possible (you can skip the first turn or earn the energy by Tail Slap card. In turn 2, you have 4-6 energy to finish off the enemy's tanker)
5/ Combos:
- With full combo : jump (30dmg) + piranha (130dmg) + goldfish (110dmg) + Oranda (120dmg), you can eliminate the opponent’s pure fish (420 hp + armor <40).
- Fish, which has shrimp tail, can use combo jump (30dmg) + 2 skill (120 dmg/skill) to bring the opponent’s bird to the last stand status (0 armor in same turn)
- When the enemy team has Rep-Dusk (2 stun), there are only 2 ways to win. The first is lowering Rep-Dusk HP below <50% from the beginning of the game - The second is to have 6 or more energy when solo with a rep/dusk. In conclusion, the possibility to win in this case is really low.
Those are the basic playing tactics that you need to know before using this team combination. Wish you can get higher rank soon!
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Ancient8 is Vietnam’s biggest blockchain gaming guild incubated by Coin98 Labs, Kyros Ventures and Coin68 Media. Ancient8 aims to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that develops a platform to enable everyone to play and build the metaverse while earning rewards. Besides, we offer scholarships, educational content for equal economic opportunities in the metaverse.
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