Invite-n-chat-2-earn Event
Ancient8 is thrilled to host the exciting INVITE N CHAT 2 EARN event, with a total of $2500 in prizes for our active community members, plus there are also NFT boxes up for grabs! Join now!

Ancient8 is thrilled to host the exciting INVITE N CHAT 2 EARN event, with a total of $2500 in prizes for our active community members, plus there are also NFT boxes up for grabs! Join now!
Duration: December 13th 13:00 UTC - December 19th 13:00 UTC
Winner Prizes
There will be a total of 20 winners
- Top 1 -> 5: 150 USDT + 1 Thetan NFT Box (2000 THC/box) for every winner
- Top 6 -> 10: 150 USDT for every winner
- Top 10 -> 20: 100 USDT for every winner
How it works
- For every member that joined and verified into Ancient8 Discord using your personal invite link you get 10 XP points (instructions on how to get your personal referral link down below)
- Every 100 Messages sent in Ancient8 Discord equals 10 XP points
- Top20 winners that have the highest XP points in total wins!
How to participate
1/ In order to get to the Top20, try to get as many points as possible (Invite friends to Ancient8 Discord; and actively chat in Ancient8 Discord)
2/ How to create Discord invite link: Open Discord and go into the Ancient8 server → Click the server name to open the drop-down menu → Select "Invite People" → Copy the link and send it to those who you would like to invite to join Ancient8 server
3/ Ancient8's Discord server will automatically calculate your total XP points (total number of messages and total number of people that have joined and verified using your personal invite link). You can track your invite by sending - invites [your discord name] at #🤖┋bot-check-rank
4/ Send your wallet address in advance into #đua-quà-cùng-a8
Play by the rules!
- Bot commands and links will not be calculated as messages (the system can check).
- No spamming allowed! Spamming will not be tolerated!
- Constructive and helpful conversations will definitely be rewarded
Winner Announcement
- Time: December 21st
- The announcement will be made at: and Ancient8 Discord at #📣┋thông-báo
- Top20 Leaderboard will be updated every 2 days
Terms and Conditions
- All rewards will be distributed within 7 working days
- Ancient8 reserves the right to amend all aspects of the event.
About Ancient8
Ancient8 is Vietnam’s biggest blockchain gaming guild incubated by Coin98 Labs, Kyros Ventures and Coin68 Media. Ancient8 aims to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that develops a platform to enable everyone to play and build the metaverse while earning rewards. Besides, we offer scholarships, educational content for equal economic opportunities in the metaverse.
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