Difficulties when you create your own Axie game account

Difficulties when you create your own Axie game account

I’ve come across up to five instances where people are unfamiliar with creating wallet accounts. In fact, many of you are getting the download link for the Ronin wallet from somewhere other than the Axie website, such as a fake link, a link from Google ads, or a link from an unknown forum… Finally, once the installation is complete, the system will automatically transfer 3 newly purchased Axies Pet to another Ronin wallet. Alternatively, your seed phrases (12 characters) may be leaked (when creating the wallet).

The photo above is an example of just buying 3 Axies at 16:24, but at 17:53, I found that 3 Axies were sent to a different wallet address. The cause is the unsecured 12 character seed phrase.

Example for 12 characters seed phrase: cool computer horizon broccoli desk beach clock master chief paper character coke

(The above is just 12 characters for an example, if you create a wallet and see 12 of your own, then DO NOT send these 12 characters TO ANYONE, absolute security by writing it down, do not copy paste on any phone/computer app)

When you go to the marketplace to buy Axie without an advisor, if you do not have experience in buying these pets, you will end up buying pets that are not very good. Because it’s not that the more expensive, the better it is.

Some pets are very cheap and some are very expensive.

The ID is the # that can be found on top of each pet. The ID is smaller for those born early and larger for those born later.

  • Things will be easier if you use an Android phone. If you use IOS, now the downloads on Testflight have run out, you’ll have to get a code or buy the app (I see there are some providers offering the service of installing Axie Infinity app for Iphone).
Example invitation code for downloading Axie Infinity via Testflight for Iphone.
  • Some of you did not purchase pets on Axie Marketplace and instead purchased them on the OTC market (via group Zalo, Telegram, or Facebook) where you encountered unscrupulous groups, completed trading, and fled. As a result, you run the risk of encountering scam middlemen.
  • If you are not similar with the crypto market, it’ll be even more difficult because you won’t know how to buy ETH, then use the bridge to switch to WETH, then you won’t know how to transfer SLP back and forth to sell, and so on. If you are a person who already knows the basics, creating a Ronin, Metamask, Binance account, then everything will be much easier for you.
  • Another issue is that no one instructs you on how to play or create an account. In general, from 0 to 1 is a little challenging, but from 1 onwards is very simple. If you have no experience but want to create an Axie account to play, I recommend finding someone who has, because many newcomers have already been victims of scams. It will be much easier to play once you have an account.
  • You can ask the admins in the Ancient8 community for advice on team building, support, and assistance in the process of playing Axie Infinity. It’s worth noting that everything Ancient8 does for the community is for free, with no middlemen or consulting fees. Be wary of fake admins to avoid losing money unnecessarily.


About Ancient8

Ancient8 is Vietnam’s biggest blockchain gaming guild incubated by Coin98 Labs, Kyros Ventures and Coin68 Media. Ancient8 aims to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that develops a platform to enable everyone to play and build the metaverse while earning rewards. Besides, we offer scholarships, educational content for equal economic opportunities in the metaverse.

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