Analyze best matches of Axie Infinity VN Championship - Final
Match: Tomo3 vs PempemVn - Round 3

Match: Tomo3 vs PempemVn - Round 3
(You can watch the match again here at 56:28)
1/ The cards of 2 teams:
a/ Tomo3:
b/ PempemVn:
2/ Analysis of the match:
Before this match started, Tomo had lost PempemVn. He felt that the last Nimo card lacked a lot of damage and surprising element. So this time he used another card to surprise PempemVn, it was a $3k Mech. Let's see if this helped Tomo3 change the situation or not!
With the Tomo3’s line-up, you can see that the first Plant had Disguise to gain energy and Cattail with 0 energy but still gave armor. You can see that Tomo3's strategy was to keep several energies and cards for Mech’s combo but still ensure the armor for the tanker. The strategy was quite smart. As for PempemVn, he used up 3 energies to cause fear on Tomo3 as well as poke blood. With a 2-tailed Nimo line-up, PempemVn wouldn’t be too worried about lacking energies.
In this round, PempemVn still couldn't finish Tomo3's Plant. You can see with this strategy, it only cost little energies but the tanker could last until the 3rd round, while Mech had several cards and energies to use a combo.
With backdoor line-ups, keep in mind that there is a very high chance that in the 3rd round or 4th round, your last Axie can be hit. Therefore, in these 2 rounds, you must always have armor for this Axie so that the opponent has to expend energies and main card damage without finishing your Axie. In this round, PempemVn knew that Tomo3 would attack backdoor, and maybe Tomo3 also had guessed that the opponent would know. But with 3 big dame cards + Ronin, Tomo3 decided to take a risk. In the end, he couldn't finish PempemVn's Dusk because Dusk had a combo Nile Strike + Cuckoo (+168 armor) card. In addition, with that combo, PempemVn also finished off Tomo3's tanker, which was extremely spectacular. We have to admit that he was quite lucky when the cards for Dusk drawn were all cards with large armor to defense.
You can see at the beginning of this round, PempemVn had an advantage with a lot of cards and damage, but he had only 2 energy left. He knew Tomo3 wouldn't be able to do much in this round so he only used Nimo card + 1 Dull Grip card to poke health and gain energy. However, Tomo3's last 2 Axie combo wasn’t simple. He could create fear with Mech's cute bunny + Disguise of Plant, which gained energy and put the opponent at a disadvantage. Finally, he successfully finished off PempemVn's tanker, balancing the to 2vs2.
With enough cards and energies, PempemVn would definitely try to put damage on Tomo3's Plant. Unfortunately, Drain Bite's armor for the Plant was also quite large, so it could be alive through this round and recover some health.
In this round, because Tomo3 guessed that PempemVn's Axie had used a lot of cards in the previuous round which made PemPemVN difficult to defend. So Tomo3 decided to attack backdoor. While PempemVn also finished Tomo3's 2nd Plant, bringing the game to 1vs1. That's extremely thrilling.
If I were to look at it, I would say that Tomo3 would win. Because the damage card was very strong as well as the advantage of hitting first in each round.
Till this round, the results were quite clear. The change of 3k $ mech in Tomo3's team made PempemVn quite surprised. Tomo3 won an extremely convincing victory. Congratulations on Tomo3!
Match: Tomo3 vs PempemVn - Round 4
(You can watch the match again here at 1:09:37)
1/ The cards of 2 teams:
a/ Tomo3:
b/ PempemVn:
2/ Analysis of the match:
You can see in this match, PempemVn's line-up all had Cute Bunny cards, so Tomo3 cleverly had a hotbutt at the end to lock the opponent's cute bunny skill. In the first round, because PempemVn's cards didn't have enough damage, he decided to give up on this round. On Tomo3's side, he used Pumpkin to buff armor + cattail and Hotbutt for PempemVn's Dusk.
In 2nd round, PempemVn guessed that Mech might have enough cards but with only 3 energies, without crit, it would be difficult to finish his Dusk. So he used 2 Fish Snack cards to buff his armor + 2 nimo tail cards to ensure that PempemVn still remained 5 energies for. That was a great strength of the PempemVn team, never worry about lack of energies. On Tomo3's side, his cards were quite lucky when he got 3 main damage cards including 2 crit.
Ronin cards. And with only 3 energies, even though PempemVn's Dusk had armor, he couldn't stand it. The advantage belonged to Tomo3.
In this round, PempemVn had nothing to hesitate anymore, the energies and cards were more than enough to finish the tanker of Tomo3. And about Tomo3, instead of giving up the turn to have 4 energies for the next round, he wasted 2 energies on Vegetal Bite for nothing.
Mech's health and armor were quite weak. PempemVn's Dusk attacked first, so he easily finished Tomo3's Mech and even got a little bit of Tomo3's Plant health. The advantage was on PempemVn.
Surely Tomo3 would try to finish 1 of PempemVn's Dusk with 2 Cactus + 2 Bidens cards to increase armor. PempemVn was also in no hurry, he accepted to sacrifice Dusk, and used 2 nimo tail cards to get 2 more energies.
The closer to late game, you would find that PempemVn line-up always had lots of energies . With Tomo3's card, you would see a 1vs1 strategy for fighting until the Bloodmoon Curse phase, with Drain Bite healing.
The energies of PempemVN and the cards were always abundant. This time, Tomo3 had been gradually drained despite healing from Drain Bite. In this round, Tomo3 used Hotbutt card to lock the Cute Bunny skill, one of PempemVn's main damaging skills, which was extremely annoying.
Until this round, Tomo3 kept using 3 cards with a combo bidens + drain bite + hotbutt. PempemVn still tried to poke Tomo3's blood as much as possible.
Although Tomo3 tried, the weak point of Tomo3’s Plant was that it was quite weak, so it couldn't last long with Drain Bite. Therefore, PempemVn won extremely difficult but also very convincingly. Congratulations on PempemVn!
Hopefully the article will give you new perspectives on the experience of playing PVP to improve your current rank!
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